Let’s discuss what exactly AGDK is.

What’s an Android game development kit?

AGDK is a collection of libraries and tools to optimize the offerings of game developers. It is configured to accommodate enhancements offered with future OS updates while providing backward-compatible features and offers reduced fragmentation across the Android OS. Three areas are being focussed on in its first stage, which is currently alive.  Integrated workflows (a new Visual Studio extension), Essential C/C++ game libraries the new Game Text input library), Performance optimization ( frame profiler support in the GPU profiler and loading time support in the Android Performance Tuner). 

Integrated workflows

The Android Game Development Kit fits your existing workflows, allowing cross-platform development with Android’s best performance. It comes with extensions,  integration, and plugins.

The Android game development extension- You can add Android as a target platform for your existing game Visual C++ projects using the Android Game Development Extension for Visual Studio. You can use Microsoft Visual Studio to build multi-platform C or C++ games on Windows and then deploy these in Android. It lets you build and deploy your android game with incredible compatibility and debug the codes with LLDB. Engine integrations- The engine integration is a helping tool that aids developers is not going unnoticed of the key core components of an in-game building. Engine plugins- If you’re a developer, you know plugins come in handy while building a game. 

Game libraries

If you take the AGDK, you will get access to the game library. It includes C/C++ languages in-game activity, Gane text input, Game controllers and mice, frame pricing, and high-performance audio. Focus on fundamental classes like game activity, game text input, and game controller, but future phases will include standard features in other game engines. Must Check: YouTube TV launched 4K: New package Update


 You can add Android as a target platform for your existing game Visual C++ projects using the Android Game Development Extension for Visual Studio. You can use Microsoft Visual Studio to build multi-platform C or C++ games on Windows and then deploy these in Android. 

GPU profiling and debugging- A standard tool that can help you profile Android graphics across multiple GPUs. See your GPU workloads deeply and find areas of optimization for understanding the choke point. Track events in conjunction with CPU and system events for GPUs.Performance tuning- The Android Performance Tuner (APT) facilitates you to provide each of your users with the best services to assess and optimize frame rates, graphical reliance, loading time, and drop-out time for a wide variety of Android devices.Profiling- Get access to some fantastic tools to help analyze CPU use, and graphics calls to help prepare your environment for debugging and optimizing android games.Guidance and best practices- This guide helps you to improve your game so that the quality of the various Android devices running your game is as accurate as possible. This tutorial outlines, in specific, how to configure Android game system tracing. The guide then defines how you can use the system trace output report to consider certain aspects of your game.

If you think that’s your chance,  go to  g.co/android/AGDK for Android game development’s latest resources and download the AGDK. Don’t forget to look out the mobile session track for the full sequence of sessions from the Google for Games Developer Summit.

1 What’s an Android game development kit?2 Integrated workflows3 Game libraries4 Optimization