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KVPY Cut Off 2021
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, decides the minimum marks to be eligible for the KVPY scholarship. KVPY cut off 2021 will be officially published along with the result. Students can check the cut off marks online by accessing Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY). The authority released two cut-offs to shortlisted candidates for the award of fellowship/scholarship. First, cut off will be released after the aptitude test to select candidates for the second stage of the selection process, i.e. for interview. The final cut off of KVPY 2021 will be released after completing both of its phases, i.e. aptitude test and interview. The final merit list will be prepared by providing 75% weightage to the aptitude test and 25% weightage to interview. Cut off will be declared separately for different categories and streams of KVPY. The cut off marks will be other for the General category and the SC/ST/PwD categories. The various facility is considered for deciding cut off marks such as the number of students appeared, seat availability and difficulty level of the question paper.
CUT OFF Year 2020:
KVPY Previous Years Cut off Marks
To provide a rough idea to the candidates about KVPY cut off marks, we are listing the previous years cut off marks. KVPY 2020,2019,2018,2017 & 2016 cut off marks for the aptitude test (out of 100 marks) is given below category-wise:
KVPY Cut Off 2019 (Aptitude Test):
KVPY Cut Off 2018 (Aptitude Test):
KVPY Final Cut Off 2018:
For 2017
For 2016
All India Rank List (General Merit and cut off marks)