Trump’s participation in the new platform is still unknown. Miller stated on Fox News that he hoped Trump would join, but that he was examining numerous choices. Trump already established an online blog to provide information. This site, however, was permanently shut down in early June, purportedly owing to low traffic. GETTR was hacked right on the day it was launched  A hacker hacked GETTR for a short time, changing various profiles, including Pompeo’s and Miller’s According to screenshots from Salon reporter Zachary Petrizzo, usernames for accounts belonging to Trump administration officials such as Miller and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were changed 

— Zachary Petrizzo (@ZTPetrizzo) July 4, 2021 Meanwhile, Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, has altered his Twitter handle to ‘@JubaBaghdad was here :), free Palestine. It looks like the hacker just wanted to spread awareness about the ‘free Palestine campaign. He intentionally chose an already in headlines platform so that his message gets some spark. It should also be that an American platform was chosen as America and Israel are strong allies. Israel is constantly bombing Palestine, which the hacker did not like.  “The problem was discovered and fixed in a couple of minutes, and all the hacker managed to do was modify a few user names,” says the source. When queried about the new site’s security, Miller stated that the matter had been “rectified.” The accounts were hacked around 8:30 a.m. EST on Sunday, and by 10 a.m. EST, the majority of the profiles had been restored to their previous state. Although GETTR fixed the initial bug that @JubaBaghdad claimed he used in the attack, he was still able to scrounge user data from individual accounts, including email addresses and birth years. He confirmed this by revealing information on a test account put up by Insider. “They should not publish the website until they have ensured that everything, or nearly everything, is secure,” he added. He did not explain how he gained control of the accounts. When questioned why he chose to target the social media platform, he stated it was “simply for fun” and that the technical aspect was “simple” – about 20 minutes of labour. @JubaBaghdad described himself as a “bounty hunter” for software flaws, locating and reporting them.  Must Check: YouTube influencer sells his search history in eBay: What is more to know 

what’s getter- A new social media app

Gettr, described as a “non-bias social network,” was introduced last week. The site is basically comparable to Trump’s favourite social media tool, Twitter, which he used before being banned following the tragic Capitol incident on Jan. 6. Jason Miller, a former Trump spokesman, asserts that the social media network GETTR is geared toward conservatives and allows for “freedom of expression.”Last month, Jason Miller resigned his day job with Trump to become the CEO of GETTR, which went live on July 4 at 10 a.m. ET. What better day to seek independence from their woke tyranny than July 4th?” says GETTR, which is a direct challenge to Silicon Valley’s social media financiers. In a statement, Miller said “Ideas are traded on GETTR. We won’t dismiss people based on their political beliefs, and GETTR has far more features and technology than anything else available.” Users will no longer have to pick between conservative platforms with inferior technology and sleeker liberal Apps that stifle their freedom of expression,” Miller explained. “With GETTR, they’ll reclaim their right to free speech while still receiving a greater product.” Messages can be longer (up to 777 characters) and videos can be longer (up to three minutes) than on Twitter. The GETTR dashboard (which, according to Miller, is “inspired from the idea of ‘coming together’ as a community on social media”) looks a lot like Twitter’s, and the new network will also verify members. GETTR was the ninth most downloaded free app on the Apple App Store and the second most downloaded free app on Google Play, according to Miller, even before it was officially released.