✅Is Jason Todd (Second Robin) the Red Hood? ✅Will Dick Grayson become Batman? ✅Dr. Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow in Titans Season 3? Let’s find the answer to all these major questions in this post.

Titans Season 3 Release Date

Right before the conclusion of season 2 in 2019, the Titans tv series was renewed for the 3rd season. Since then, its production was delayed multiple times because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Now finally, Titans Season 3 production has concluded by June 2021. After acquiring DC Universe’s Original Programming, you can expect Titans Season 3 to 1st air on HBO Max from August 12, 2021, to October 21, 2021, & then the DC Universe Network & Netflix (Internationally). Even there’s no official release date for the Netflix release of Titans Season 3, you can expect the entire season to drop sometime in the Q3-Q4 of 2021.

Titans Season 3 Teaser Trailer

Here’s the teaser trailer of Titans Season 3: How was it? Did you like the trailer? Do share your reaction with me in the comments section given below.

Titans Season 3 New Characters

After introducing Blackfire, Deathstroke, Jericho, Mercy Graves, Rose Wilson, and Superboy in Titans Season 2, the upcoming season is all set to introduce the following major characters:

Red Hood.Commissioner Barbara Gordon.Dr. Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow.

Titans Season 3 Possible Spoilers

While answering the 3 biggest questions of Titans Season 3, I might spoil it for you. So, keep this in mind before proceeding.

Is Jason Todd (Second Robin) the Red Hood?

In season 2, Jason Todd was about to die at the hands of Deathstroke. But at the last moment, he was saved with the help of Superboy. Now, in the recently released trailer of Titans Season 3, Jason Todd is pronounced dead on a Newscast. But is he really dead? In the DC animation, he’s killed by Joker. However, he’s resurrected using the Lazarus Pit. However, as of now, there’s not even a single mention of the Lazarus pit in the show. So, I don’t think, he would die in season 3. Instead, after going down few episodes into the show, we’ll find out why he became the Red Hood? ✅To bring Joker out in the open? ✅To piss Batman off after his failure? ✅Or he really has gone dark?

Will Dick Grayson become Batman?

At the end of Titans Season 2, no one knew how the heroes would be back together after splitting up. However, the recently released trailer has made the reason pretty clear – Death of Jason Todd. Now back in Gotham, every team member seems stunned by the death of Jason. In fact, Batman is seen to be going one step ahead as he says to Dick “It’s over for me. Be a better batman”. With Bruce out of the picture & the arrival of Gotham’s newest vigilante, RedHood, will Dick take up the mantle as the Dark Knight? Or will he continue fighting with his new identity as Nightwing? We’ll surely find out about that once Titans Season 3 is available from August 12 on HBO Max.

Dr. Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow in Titans Season 3

When mourning the loss of Jason, team members were unable to deduce the identity of Red Hood. In the Titans Season 3 trailer, Barbara made the revelation of Scarecrow working as a consultant for the GCPD. Sick of Batman’s ways of work, Dick decides to go against Batman’s biggest rule – Never take help from a supervillain. With Dick going out of his ways to find the identity of Red Hood, it would be interesting to see the unusual alliance between him & Dr. Jonathan Crane. That’s all for now. Will Scarecrow be the best hope for titans in deceiving the Red Hood? Or will he betray the titans in the end for his gain? We’ll surely find out once the Titans return with Season 3 on HBO Max.

1 Titans Season 3 Release Date2 Titans Season 3 Teaser Trailer3 Titans Season 3 New Characters4 Titans Season 3 Possible Spoilers4.1 Is Jason Todd (Second Robin) the Red Hood?4.2 Will Dick Grayson become Batman?4.3 Dr. Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow in Titans Season 3